The Benefits of eBooks

eBooks, or electronic books, were initially considered to be the death of the paper book. However, they have instead slipped into the book market alongside traditional books. Initially one needed a special reader device such as a Kindle Fire or Kobo to read eBooks, but they can now be read on just about any smart device, using any of the dozens of eBook reader apps..

What are eBooks?

eBooks are electronic books which can be read on a smart device. They can be made available in a variety of formats, including PDF, ePub and the Kindle format.

Users can download books to computers, dedicated ebook devices, PDAs and mobile phones and the reader software/app required is usually free. They can also read books online, from any computer, anywhere, without downloading or installing anything.

Some Benefits of eBooks

They are environmentally friendly

They have a much lower impact on the environment as they are paperless in themselves and do not need packaging, and they have a lower carbon footprint as they do not need to be delivered by using air or ground transport.

They are interactive

Readers can search for and jump to words, phrases and keywords in the books, and hyperlinks to other resources can be embedded into them. Videos and audio files can also be embedded into eBooks, as can all sorts of animations. eBooks can also contain quizzes and polls. This interactivity makes them particularly useful for children. Bookmark and highlight features enable readers to emphasise sections that they want to remember or return to often, whereas traditional paper books need physical markers which can fall out and get lost or misplaced! Include clickable URLs in your ebook. This allows you to direct your readers to your website, blog, and social media networks but also to any other external information source

They are easily portable

You can take literally hundreds of eBooks with you wherever you go – they don’t take up space in your suitcase nor do they need a bookshelf in your lounge!

 Instant Delivery and no Courier or Postage charges = Instant Gratification!

You can buy and download your chosen eBook instantly, whether it be to a smartphone, tablet, e-reader, laptop or even desktop computer, no waiting and no need to pay delivery fees!

eBooks can easily be revised and updated!

Given how quickly information changes, it’s essential to be able to keep your book current and accurate. Once you’ve updated your text, it’s quick and easy to republish your book. 

eBooks can be given out for free at no cost to you!

Digital files are easy and free to send to reviewers, readers, or anyone else to whom you would like to give a complimentary or gift copy.

eBooks require far less capital outlay!

Gone are the days when dozens of copies of your independently published book lay mouldering your garage! eBooks remove the need for expensive printing!

Where do you buy eBooks?

 Well, first of all, you can buy a great selection of ebooks by local, independent and self-published authors right here from the Write-On eBookstore! Then there are many, many other eBook platforms on which you get eBooks, including Google Play Books, Amazon Kindle, Apple iBooks, and many, many more!

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