New Year Launch Sale! Get 40% off!

What a Way to Start the New Year!

What You Save:

Let us use as an example a 30 000-word non-fiction book, with no index, but with 20 pictures. It requires both proofreading and editing. It must also be converted to an eBook and uploaded to Amazon.
Proofreading & Editing – 30 000 words @ $0,03 = $900,00
+ Formatting = $300,00
+ Cover Design =  $200,00
+ Picture Work: 20 pictures @ $5 = $100,00
+ Create an eBook = $200,00
+ Upload to KDP/Amazon = $100,00
Total = $1800,00
Less 40% - YOU SAVE $720!

Ask for your Free Estimate Now, and get our Free Self-Publishing Guide!


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