Author Support
Write-On Publishing offers Author Support Services to assist self-publishing authors get their books to market
Author Websites
- All authors should start and maintain a website as part of their long-term marketing efforts and ongoing platform development. But it’s an intimidating project because so few authors have been in a position to create, manage, or oversee websites. Where do you even begin?
I will assist you in developing a modern, mobile-friendly, professional-looking author website similar to my own (see illustration – click on the graphic to see the full website).
Why an author website?
It is, by far, the most important element of a book marketing strategy. Firstly, you control the content – you can put whatever you like on it – even pictures of your dog! Your website is for information that often does not appear anywhere else.
You decide what you want the website to do:
- You can highlight the basic information about your book – the “blurb“. This is often the information that appears on the back cover of the book. This obviously also applies if you have multiple books.
- You can have your author bio – tell your readers who you are.
- You can offer excerpts from the book – we can even do a “See Inside”, giving potential readers a glimpse of what the book is all about.
- You can present audio clips and videos regarding the book(s) – for example, interviews with journalists and podcasters.
- You can run a blog from your site.
- You can advertise events like book signings, book launches and so on.
- You can highlight reviews and any media coverage you may have had.
- Plus much, much more!
Print Procurement - Author's Copies
There is nothing better for authors than to hold freshly printed copies of their book in their hands! Write-On Publishing assists you to achieve this dream by organising the printing of “Author’s Copies”, at excellent rates! You can have anything from 25 copies to 1000+ copies printed at prices you can afford. You can then use these books as review copies, as gifts to family and friends, and you can even sell them yourself at events, markets or from your Author Website!
Prices subject to Printer Quotation

Upload to Digital Sales Platforms
Write-On Publishing will assist you in uploading your books, in both print (print-on-demand) or eBook versions, to international book sales platforms like Amazon and Kindle.
Prices as per our Fee Structure
Check out our very Own Ebookstore!
Click on the eBookstore logo to go to our very own Write-On eBookstore – your book could also be featured in the store!