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Let us use as an example a 30 000-word non-fiction book, with no index, but with 20 pictures. It requires both proofreading and editing. It must also be converted to an eBook and uploaded to Amazon.
Proofreading & Editing – 30 000 words @ $0,03 = $900,00
+ Formatting = $300,00
+ Cover Design =  $200,00
+ Picture Work: 20 pictures @ $5 = $100,00
+ Create an eBook = $200,00
+ Upload to KDP/Amazon = $100,00
Total = $1800,00
Less 40% - YOU SAVE $720!

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Get 40% Off in Our 2024/2025 Launch Sale!

Franciscan Spirituality – Revised Edition

“My main aim is to clarify some of the mis-conceptions and even myths about the Franciscan Order and its Spirituality, which are coming from various ill-informed sources… My mission is to get Francis and Clare to speak to you as intimately and as fraternally as possible so that the dust that others would have thrown over your mind may be blown away.” – Friar Cascarino Valentine OFM, PhD, STD, STL.


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