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Let us use as an example a 30 000-word non-fiction book, with no index, but with 20 pictures. It requires both proofreading and editing. It must also be converted to an eBook and uploaded to Amazon.
Proofreading & Editing – 30 000 words @ $0,03 = $900,00
+ Formatting = $300,00
+ Cover Design =  $200,00
+ Picture Work: 20 pictures @ $5 = $100,00
+ Create an eBook = $200,00
+ Upload to KDP/Amazon = $100,00
Total = $1800,00
Less 40% - YOU SAVE $720!

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Land of Beyond

It is the mid-1960s in the Bechuanaland Protectorate, which is about to transition from British Colonial rule to self-government and independence as the democratic Republic of Botswana.
Lennox van Onselen, WW II veteran, ex-policeman, author, part-time safari operator and adventurer, is about to embark on yet another expedition into the Kalahari in search of the fabled “Lost City of the Kalahari”, when his plans are up-ended, first by a recalcitrant truck, and then by having an eccentric American millionaire safari client, “CJ”, foisted onto him by a friend.
The story chronicles their adventures – and mis-adventures – on a safari which takes them the length and breadth of the territory.
Highlights include a cattle drive across the desert, a horse race meeting – Kalahari-style – and encounters with some of Bechuanaland’s legendary “characters” and its animal inhabitants.
The story of their travels in punctuated by the highly entertaining and detailed history lessons Lennox gives CJ about Bechuanaland.
A must for “Bechuana-philes”!


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