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Let us use as an example a 30 000-word non-fiction book, with no index, but with 20 pictures. It requires both proofreading and editing. It must also be converted to an eBook and uploaded to Amazon.
Proofreading & Editing – 30 000 words @ $0,03 = $900,00
+ Formatting = $300,00
+ Cover Design =  $200,00
+ Picture Work: 20 pictures @ $5 = $100,00
+ Create an eBook = $200,00
+ Upload to KDP/Amazon = $100,00
Total = $1800,00
Less 40% - YOU SAVE $720!

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The Dependent God

The Dependent God is the first of a collection of seven books, the “One of Us” Collection, which are jointly one ordinary person’s exploration of the relationship between God and the human race, centred around the revelation of Jesus Christ who became One of Us in order that humanity could, in turn, share in the life within God.

In this first book, The Dependent God, Michael Mahony relates in a radical way (the word Dependent is not a metaphor) his understanding of the Incarnation and the Atonement, along with the journeys of two ‘containers’ which God brought about in history so as to prepare the way for God to become One of Us. The first container was the ancient Hebrew people, and the second was the evolution of human language.


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